Monday, January 07, 2008

What? Where?

So, Paul Bunyan is now a licensed driver. Or, the way I like to put it, I am now the proud owner of my very own errand boy. Talk about mixed emotions. I love being able to send him out to run the errands that I am to lazy to do, but he's alone in the car for Pete's sake! What? The look on his face after he passed his driving test was priceless. He was crying, I was crying...I'm sure all the lovely the people at the SB DMV thought we were nuts. At least we had all of our teeth while we were hugging, jumping, and shouting.

Today was the first day back from break and, of course, it snowed this weekend. I am fortunate being a dainty girl and all, I didn't have to shovel one flake of snow. My boys took care of all of the blowing and shoveling. I don't know how we ever lived without our snow blower. Not that I have to use it very often, but when I do it's wonderful.

Should I be scared by Kathie's You Tube find? Just for her and Liann, MSN says that today is "National Pass Gas Day." Really? They have a day for that? Ok then!


Kathie said...

Okay, now a national day for passing gas is indeed just nasty. Even Baby Plucky would say, "Ewwwwwww!"

Both Fex said...

Congrats Mr. Bunyan. I look forward to using your errand services this summer.

Marie and Tracie said...

Congrats to the new have my condolences, Holly. I'm sure that, at this moment, your insurance carriers are leaping for joy and funding their Roth IRA's from your new policy. Your hairdresser will love you more in 2008 as well, as now your hair color will more quickly shift from brown to a greyish hue. Ah, yes, how I remember those days. Remember the bible study times when I would tell you about the calls I got about Nick's driving in the Rim parking lot, on Hwy 189, at the Village...pretty much everywhere on the mountain. Anyway, there are some perks as well, so TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM!!! Thanks for your response to our blog. We miss you too, and the times we had. You know, at the time it seemed that we would always be able to have a study, to get together. Then distance really put a damper on that. So I guess this is the next best thing, though I miss your brand of humor, sarcasm, and laugh. We will try to post new stuff occasionally. Talk to you soon!!! M & T