So, there I was teaching about ratio and rate when I heard a little voice singing "super freak, she's super freaky" just over my shoulder. There was my autistic student singing his heart out instead of taking his math notes. If you know anything about the tone and inflection of an autistic child then you know that this was more of a yelling than a singing. Ok then. Nothing better than some comic relief in the last 30 minutes of a Friday.
Next. Sound out this word -
sexion. I had to, so you should too. That was on the paper I read this morning. I love my job.
Praises, praises everywhere. My year is now officially half way over. I have six weeks left until we have another 4-week break. I can't believe how amazing this year has been so far. My principal has been so wonderful and he makes my job easy and fun. I am learning a ton from all of the teachers and even more from my kiddos. They make this job worth all of the political crap. Who needs drugs? This is the best high ever!
Many of you know that Tim has been working toward a job as a boom operator since July. We made it through many days of depression and sadness because flying is the only thing he has ever really wanted to do in the Air Force. Once they started allowing Lasik, he was all over this. The last couple of months have been awful, one disappointment after another. I have been praying and re-praying and changing my prayers for months. I have consoled and promised that all would work out for the best. I put my faith way up in the air and promised that God would not fail him. I know that really is not my place, but I did it anyway, mostly because I believed it. Well, Tuesday we found out that all of the paperwork was finally approved and Tim will be living his dream very soon. His cheeks are rosy and he smiles constantly. Goodness gracious, great balls of fire! Kath, you thought he looked good in
his uniform, you should see him in a flight suit. Now, we just wait to find out when he leaves for a three-month flight training in Oklahoma. Sounds fun, don't you think? I am so thrilled to see him excited about his job and I can't wait to see him with his wings.
Well, that's enough gibberish for now.