Sunday, April 27, 2008


"To her the name of father was another name for love. "-- Fanny Fern

The things my dad taught me-
to change a tire
to be home on time
to say please and thank you
to put oil in the car
to put on chains
to love myself
make-up should be seen up close, not from 3 miles away
same applies to the smell of perfume
to take pride in all that I do
pictures are priceless
to play baseball
auto racing really is pretty fun
to install a toilet
to pump my own gas
the dictionary really is a great tool
dads are the bomb

Just because...


Kathie said...

You said it, sister. We are lucky, lucky girls. Give yours a pinch for me when you see him ;)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Both Fex said...

You make me smile.

Miss your face.

P.S. The deleted comment was me. Sorry. I didn't see that I was signed in as Angus the Moose.