Friday, March 14, 2008

Praise and sigh of relief

I feel rotten posting this after Christina's post, but I am 100% sure that place was not the right place for her. She has so much to offer and deserves a MUCH better assignment. So...

After much deliberation, our district chose not to pink slip any staff at this time. By ed code, pink slips have to be postmarked certified mail by March 15th and we just received an email from our union rep stating that they will not be making any reductions in certificated staff at this time. Christina, come to my school...more money, fewer transient students, great principal, wonderful staff, superb schedule, and ME! I know that it would be easier for you to be in the same district as your kids so I really am praying for you to get hired in the Rim district, but you can't blame me for wanting you around our school. We would be lucky to have you.

I am really feeling like God has a plan for me at this particular school site. I wasn't so sure at the beginning of the year, but each day that goes by He makes his intentions more and more clear. I do feel like this is the right fit for me and I can feel the Lord's presence with me every day that I enter that class room. Not being pink-slipped really confirms that for me. I feel so blessed to be where I am, doing what I do. I know that I have blogged about how much I love my job, but it still amazes me. My life and my mental health are so different these days compared to how I was at the hotel and the conference center.

That's all for now. Have to get ready for my BTSA training day that they managed to stick smack in the middle of my vacation.


Christina said...

Holly- Please don't feel bad! I'm so happy for you, and so relieved for you as well. I can imagine that while your district is not pink-slipping, they're probably not hiring either! I'm still praying about what I'm supposed to do next year. I have a couple of options as of this point, but I'm also not giving up hope that this budget cut isn't going to be as drastic as we're planning for right now. I hate not knowing what I'm going to do next year because I'm a total type A personality, but God is really giving me peace about the whole job situation. He has something planned for me, I just have to try to be patient and see what it is. I am so happy for you though, Holly, as I've been worried about what Colton was going to do.

Holly said...

You never know what is going to happen. They thought they weren't going to hire last year and our school alone hired 8 new teachers. I am going to contine to toss out your name to anyone that will listen.