Saturday, April 21, 2007


I love Saturdays. Nothing much to report these days...sold my truck and bought a new "girl" car. I never thought I would go back to a 2WD car but alas, the rising gas prices won out over the 10 days a year I need 4WD. My parents also gave Paul Bunyan their '89 Toyota truck to fix up and drive so, three 4WDs seemed a bit much. I drove my new car in the snow yesterday, without chains, and although it was a little harry at some points, the car did really well. It is front-wheel drive so they do pretty well in the snow. Now Tim and I have matching his and hers silver cars. We look so yuppie...little do they know ;)
I've been subbing quite a bit these days and mostly in the primary grades, go figure. Those first and second graders are really growing on me. Those grades are a ton of physical work but the kids are so cute and loving. I subbed in the absolute worst 6th grade class the other day. You know it's bad when the school secretary starts by begging you to sub and then hands you a stack of referral forms as soon as you walk in the door. Uh oh! They wanted me to sub the following two days in the same class but I just couldn't do it. Those kids were awful. The teacher regularly gives them several "free" times during the day and it shows. They weren't interested in learning a darn thing. Sadly, as much as I want to suck up so I can get a job, they don't pay me enough to babysit 32 rotten 6th graders. I feel really bad for those kids. They are going to get to middle school and high school and get their butts kicked. I had one kid that spent the entire day using the word "ghetto". Pick a part of speech, even some that don't make sense, and he used the word that way. People were "ghetto", things were "ghetto", actions were "ghetto", at one point we were even "ghettoing"...think about that one for a while. Michael would have lost his marbles in this class. I finally made the kid look up the meaning of the word but that didn't stop him from using it ALL day. Obviously, one of your more stand-up, socially aware citizens. The world needs more of this kind of kid!
Off to let Paul Bunyan drive to the post office...Good Saturday to all!


Kathie said...

Joey, you are SO ghetto, you ghettoing ghetto-meister! I SO ghettoed you!

I love the picture above your link list!

Can't wait to see you on Saturday! Hooray for my birthday! (I have no shame...that's what happens when people ghetto you...)

Chris said...

I like the new look of your site.

Its totally ghetto.

Michael Slusser said...

I'm "down with the street," as the kids say these days. I have no problem with "ghetto" as an adjective (I hear it all the time down here) and noun, though the verb is new to me.

"I totally ghettoed that guy yesterday."


Now I'm busy wondering how you turn that into an adverb:

"He drove ghettoly down to the gas station to buy a forty?" That doesn't sound right. "Ghettoey"? "a ghetto-like fashion"?

Darn it all.

Devin Parker said...

Perhaps ghettoing someone means to shun them in such a way as to make them feel marginalized, forcing them to retreat into the company of their social sub-category?

What troubles me is that he probably spells it 'geto.'

In which case, I'd have to smack him.

Risa said...

Yo, yo, Dawg. I vote against the use of "getto" as an adverb. That just ain't phat. I'd lean more towards, "He drove his ghetto ride down to da gas station to grab a forty. " Maybe throw in a "Beotch" for good measure. ;o)