Sunday, April 27, 2008


"To her the name of father was another name for love. "-- Fanny Fern

The things my dad taught me-
to change a tire
to be home on time
to say please and thank you
to put oil in the car
to put on chains
to love myself
make-up should be seen up close, not from 3 miles away
same applies to the smell of perfume
to take pride in all that I do
pictures are priceless
to play baseball
auto racing really is pretty fun
to install a toilet
to pump my own gas
the dictionary really is a great tool
dads are the bomb

Just because...

Monday, April 14, 2008


Nothing really worth posting about lately.

Went to see Kathie. Had fun!

Paul Bunyan turned 17. Ugh!

Ten weeks left 'til summer break. Yeah!

Tim has been gone for two weeks. Four more to go until he is home for a week and then gone again for four months. Yes, I said FOUR months. Tears abound these days. I am lonely. Actually, I am beyond lonely. Darn it, I miss my husband and I miss my friends. Paul Bunyan, being a teenager, is never home and when he is, he is texting, working out, playing Warcrack, or hiding in his room. Mom is not the most entertaining person in his life anymore. Where did those days go?

The military messed up Tim's pay and we will be going yet another 15 days without his income. Broke and fun.

Have not been able to find comfort in scripture these days. Humm.